About Me

Who I Am

You are not alone.

Relationship with other people and their deep and unwavering support are what allowed me to take the parts of life that I thought had broken me apart and - incredibly - turn those very parts into something beautiful.

I spent most of my adolescence cycling through “alternative” high schools and troubled teen programs. As I came out of this chaotic period of my life and began muddling my way through adulthood, I struggled with breakdowns in my relationships and dealing with the aftermath of trauma.

What kept me going - even in my darkest times - was connection. In my life, I have personally experienced what I believe at my core: that we heal within relationship.

In each chapter of my life, I was often carried by someone who really listened; who showed curiosity, compassion, and genuine care. Someone who really understood and could relate because they’d been there; who walked with me, who saw past the murkiness of the present and could imagine future possibilities I couldn’t yet see. Someone who helped me discover parts of myself that I didn’t yet know.

All of this is what I bring to our work. My training and education have given me skills and expertise, but my lived experience (including many mistakes) has become a gift that’s given me empathy, wisdom, and hope regardless of the circumstances; and a passion to work with people in a real and connected way.

How I Work

I truly love people. The basis of my work is a relationship built on trust, honesty, and authenticity. I integrate parts of counseling, coaching, mentoring, and health education with my own life experience. I am a trauma-informed, strengths-focused, and personalized. My clients have told me they have:

Felt seen, understood, and supported

Deeper insight into what they’re feeling and why

Moved from feeling overwhelmed and disoriented to
feeling a sense of clarity and hopefulness

Less stress and more confidence

Figured out what they want and how to get there

Felt more authentically themselves with a greater
ability to connect with others and with their purpose

My Experience

Over the past 20 years, I’ve had the privilege of walking with people through times of heartbreak, transition, reclamation, and transformation in a lot of different ways. These roles have included:

Board-certified Stanford Hospital Nurse in Oncology and Pain Management

Substance use and trauma counselor; intensively trained in Motivational Interviewing

Trauma specialist, trauma researcher, and trauma program developer for the largest hospital in California; Certified Trauma Professional (CTP)

Experienced, trained coach (ICF-accredited, CEG) for people working through a variety of life’s challenges

Trained ADHD coach (JST Coaching); co-founder of the Neurodiversity Coaching Alliance

Founder of an organization supporting at-risk women for the last 10 years


I am passionate about being a trusted resource for people in the midst of confusion and even crisis, and supporting them to find their way and themselves again. There’s always hope.

“The wildest colts make the best horses.” - Plutarch